Tuesday, September 22, 2020

[856] My Thoughts on Small Houses / Minimalism (?)

 Note: I'm using Helvetica now. I have no idea why Trebuchet is gone from blogger. Oh well.

I've been fascinated by small and tiny houses ever since a few years ago. Recently I was able to watch a documentary about minimalism on Netflix.

While I believe these are good things to aim for, I find it frustrating at times when I try to look for small houses or minimalist content in youtube. The reason for this is simple. Money.

At least if you try those things out here in the Philippines money might be an issue. Well, technically those small condominiums being sold that I could probably afford qualify as a tiny house with their dimensions.

Also living a minimalist lifestyle seems great to follow, but at the same time it feels like most of the people I've seen on youtube vlogging about these things have a relatively strong financial safety net that they can risk these things.

I can't. I have a wife and a daughter, quality education is expensive, my folks are getting older. So living in a small house is out of the question since I doubt I can even afford to renovate our current house (the house I grew up in).

I've tried to see what I can do to minimize the stuff I own. I've tried to sell or donate clothes I don't wear anymore, and I usually try to give away old gadgets I own that still barely work. Or I just throw them away.

So what's my point? I guess it's this: As much as I want to try to live a minimalist lifestyle in a small house, I don't think I can afford to take the risks. Hopefully I can afford them one day.
