Friday, October 11, 2019

[821] Quality Over Quantity

Once again I haven't been posting as much as I want to. Basically my reasons for my relative silence are as follows.

  1. Too lazy. Nothing to write, didn't want to post anything rambling. Tired of updating my weight or what's happening to me health-wise, and I didn't want to do more generic ramblings about a dream car garage or tiny house plans.
  2. Silence is golden. I've come to notice that thanks to the internet and social media a lot more people have been posting their opinions online, whether warranted or not. There's a line I read somewhere to the effect of, "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences." I'd rather not post anything that might be misinterpreted by others. Times have changed.
  3. I'd rather post quality insights about my life. Right now I haven't had any major insights I'd want to share. Life's been chugging along, I've been trying to live and grow as a human being. The usual.
And there you have it. Let's just say this I'm posting this now just so I have an October entry. Who knows, maybe this'll get my creative juices flowing so I can start blogging again. We'll see.
