Monday, April 29, 2019

[808 -- again?] Numbering Issue and Health

While checking the blogger dashboard it appears I only have 807 posts, yet this was supposed to be post number 809. So either I made a mistake counting or I deleted a previous post. I won't be trying to figure it out again.

Anyway I've been forcing myself to do some physical activity everyday. Usually going on 20 to 30 minute walks. However I realized that while this may be good physical activity to improve my stamina I have done nothing to improve my strength.

This morning I tried to use my 20 lb kettlebell and do some bicep curls. Being the weakling that I am I only managed to do 4 reps. Per arm. And only two sets. Not only that but when I tried doing overhead tricep extensions with both arms the best I could do was eight. Next set I stopped at six since I was afraid I might drop the kettlebell.

This basically means that I will be adding some arm and maybe shoulder exercises to my daily routine, most likely after I finish with my walk.

As for my skip rope, well I don't do it as often since I enjoy walking around and seeing sights more but I do feel it helped improve my stamina so I will be trying to incorporate it to my morning routine once in a while.
