Monday, February 19, 2018

[765] Not Another Car Post

It has been a while since I last posted about cars. Well, here we go again. Time to post the top three cars I would like to own, right now, here in the Philippines. In order.

  1. Honda Jazz, 1st or 2nd generation (GD or GE), 1.5L engine, automatic transmission. This is the most practical car of the three and the one I would really love to own right now. Why 1st or 2nd generation? It's small enough, it still has that amazing interior that can accomodate almost any kind of cargo provided it can fit in the car, and honestly I've checked prices of 2nd hand units and they are pretty affordable.
  2. Volkswagen Beetle Classic. I know someone who recently sold his Beetle for around PhP40,000.00 and I was half disappointed I didn't know about it. There are many problems with owning a classic Beetle including maintanance, parts, and the typical lack of airconditioning.
  3. BMW E30 or E34, 4-door or station wagon. For BMW purists, I would specifically prefer a 320i / 520i or higher for either the sedan or touring versions. Ever since I met a few car guys who were BMW fans I became a fan as well. Why the older models? Because I honestly think they look the best.
So there you have it. The top three cars I would like to own. If ever I do get to own a car, any car, my first priority would be making sure the car is reliable and in good condition to be daily driven. That includes making sure brake pads, discs, and drums are not worn out. The engine should have no leaks and it should be running well. The suspension should be in good condition. There should be no electrical problems. Once those are done then the next thing I would focus on would be to make sure there are no rust spots anywhere. If there are, I would make sure to have them fixed.

Once all those above are done, then and only then would I start modifying the car. But that's for another blog post some other day.


Friday, February 09, 2018

[764] 13

This blog will be turning thirteen this year.

I never imagined it would last this long, nor did I imagine I would still be posting up to now. While it's true there are more "shit" posts (posts for the sake of posting), I still take time to write once in a while when the mood hits.

Just don't expect me to blog like a few years ago when I was doing my photo Project 365. I may do another round of that project, but I sure as hell won't be blogging about it.

Anyway, hopefully I'll still be around long enough to keep blogging. And hopefully my passion to write will still be around. Hopefully I can get my creative juices flowing again where I can start taking photographs, writing, and reading books like I did thirteen years ago.

Good luck to me.
