Saturday, August 18, 2007

Getting The Proverbial Buzz

For reasons as yet I cannot reveal, I decided to have some beer early this afternoon. A bottle of Cerveza Negra, in fact.

I miss that beer. I'd only had one bottle years before and yet I really enjoyed the taste of the beer. Some people say it tastes slightly sweet. I say it tastes good. Better than San Mig Light or the classic San Miguel Pale Pilsen. It was that good. (Of course going up against Red Horse, Cerveza wins hands down... Except Red Horse has a certain charm and taste that is just so damn good.)

I didn't get any buzz from that one bottle. But later in the afternoon I downed two bottles of San Mig Light. Two. In less than thirty minutes. I got the buzz. And what a buzz.

No, I did not get drunk. Tipsy, most likely. But drunk? No. I still had full control of my mental faculties, and I could still hold my tongue. Reflexes were off but that was it. If I were to drive a car I'd most likely get into an accident. Fortunately driving was not in my plans.

Ah, the buzz. In Tagalog slang, "May amats na ako." But it was the right kind of "amats." It calmed me down. Cleared my thoughts and made me relax to the point that most of my major problems and/or worries of the day suddenly seemed less problematic.

Now the buzz is gone and I can face the shit I was so fucking afraid to face this afternoon. With a stiff upper lip.

Bring it on.


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